The Pacific Coast is now experiencing serious toxic-mold litigation.
For example, according to a press release by California attorney Scott B. Whitenack, trial is set to begin this coming Monday, March 21, 2005 in Los Angeles County Superior Court (Dee v. PCS, Case No. LC057263). Mr. Whitenack’s client
will be asking the jury to award $6M + in punitive damages in her case against PCS Property Management LLP and 8611 Venice Blvd. Corp. The damages are for Ms. Dee's physiological impairment and the fear of cancer after being willfully exposed by the defendants to “toxic mold".
Mr. Whitenack goes on to claim:
the toxinogenic molds, found to be pervasive in Ms. Dee’s Luxury Mammoth Park Towers apartment, are well known cancer-causing substances. …[Various] reports, along with US government mold/mycotoxins studies, collegic fungal disease studies and other information that Ms. Dee came in contact with through the media, have confirmed Ms. Dee’s fears. They demonstrate an understanding by numerous medical researchers and clinicians of the correlation between mold/mycotoxins exposure and cancer.
This LA trial comes right on the heels of an Oregon verdict for Plaintiffs against their home builder. According to a press release by Oregon attorney Kelley Vance
(PRWEB) March 9, 2005-- A Clackamas County jury on Friday (March 4, 2005) held Adair Homes Inc. responsible for faulty construction practices that caused toxic mold to thrive inside Paul and Renee Haynes' new home in Sandy, Oregon. The jury also found Adair's negligence caused illness in Mrs Haynes and the couple's two small children – Michael, 6, and Liam, 4. The family experienced severe respiratory, digestive and cognitive impairment. One half of a million dollars was awarded to the injured family.
The case is a first in the Northwest to award damages for personal injury to a family exposed to mold in a newly built home. "This verdict is significant because it holds construction companies responsible when they negligently build sick buildings,” said Kelly Vance, the family's attorney.
When I get news of a reported disposition of the Los Angeles case, I’ll Post the news.