Today's news brings word that 105 residents of San Martin, California have the case of two of their "pilot" plaintiffs at trial against Olin. Olin made highway flares for many years at a local factory; and the process uses perchlorate. Per the San Jose Mercury News (free subscription site):
The first trial on the presence of perchlorate -- a chemical used in road flares -- in the drinking water of hundreds of residents from Morgan Hill to Gilroy began Tuesday, 2 1/2 years after the pollution was discovered.
In the case, 105 residents of the San Martin area sued Olin, a Norwalk, Conn.-based company in federal District Court in San Jose.
The residents are not alleging any health problems from the pollution, but rather a loss of property value totaling $36 million and emotional distress.
Since property values have during the real estate boom apparently continued to rise in the San Martin area, it will be interesting to watch whether or not the jury hearing the case is at all sympathetic to plaintiffs' claims of damage to their property values.
Hi there Terri,I am in the same boat as you--simply perplexed that I didn't know about this aizmang project until a few days ago (I'm number #700 on the list, please enter mine too if you have a chance or have not already).Also I am very interested in your charity program, my blog runs a weekly feature called Give Twice where we include gift items that have the added benefit of giving back to charity. I will put you in for the next installment. Very happy that OWOH brought me to your blog and charitable giving! Wishing you much peace, M.
Posted by: Laura | March 03, 2013 at 05:43 PM