You know you've hit a nerve when you get this type of reaction to a Post (my Post of 9/11/05 on the contribution of humans, wetlands, etcetera to "global warming")-
Here is a great example of the kind of foolish demagoguery that lawyers and politicians indulge in around the global warming debate.
This gentleman, an "environmental lawyer" (meaning he's trying to destroy the environment legally?) has used selective quotation and misinterpretation of the facts to arrive at a specious conclusion. He implies that the cited study indicates that "wetlands, termites and wildfires" contribute to global warming because of their methane emissions. He also implies that since the study indicates that human emissions go back longer than previously thought ("the problem is not really pollution from industry and automobiles-- we've apparently been screwing up the planet since Day One"), that the only way to stop this is to "get rid of humans." Hyperbolic, of course, but the underlying meaning is clear: Since humans have been doing it for thousands of years, why stop now?
"Climate Protection Campaign" blog
With all due respect, lighten up. The Climate Protection Campaign blog post quoted from above is a classic example of environmentalist activists taking themselves way too seriously.
With a humorous overtone, my Post of 9/11 is the latest in a line of Posts (9/7, 9/1, 8/5, 5/8--all 2005; see "Global Warming" under "CATEGORIES" on the right-hand side of this page) illustrating that real science (as opposed to ideology) admits there is a tremendous amount we don't know about climate change. While admitting our knowledge limitation might not be good for those who wish to whip up hysteria, such limitation is a fact.
Global warming is an issue that deserves fair debate: Is global warming occurring (30 years ago, after all, we were being warned about a coming new Ice Age)? If so, are humans causing the warming or is the phenomenon just part of a natural Earth cycle stretching back millions of years? If humans are causing global warming, could certain cures be worse than the disease (e.g., draconian measures such as the Kyoto Protocols--rejected on a unanimous Senate vote in the 1990's--which could throw our economy into a deep depression)?
Until environmentalist activists lighten up a bit and recognize that they do not have God's sole handle on the truth, they will continue in the midst of their hysteria to have a very hard time making progress among sensible people with their arguments .