BBC News reports today that the Arctic ice cap continues to shrink:
The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk for a fourth consecutive year, according to new data released by US scientists.
They say that this month sees the lowest extent of ice cover for more than a century.
The Arctic climate varies naturally, but the researchers conclude that human-induced global warming is at least partially responsible.
They warn the shrinkage could lead to even faster melting in coming years.
But, hold on--JPL reported on September 20 that:
For three Mars summers in a row, deposits of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars' south pole have shrunk from the previous year's size, suggesting a climate change in progress....The camera has recorded seasonal patterns of clouds and dust within the atmosphere over the entire planet. In addition, other instruments on Mars Global Surveyor have provided information about atmospheric changes and year-to-year patterns on Mars as the mission has persisted.
And (on October 2, 2002) reported:
In what is largely a reversal of an August announcement, astronomers today said Pluto is undergoing global warming in its thin atmosphere even as it moves farther from the Sun on its long, odd-shaped orbit.
Pluto's atmospheric pressure has tripled over the past 14 years, indicating a stark temperature rise, the researchers said. The change is likely a seasonal event, much as seasons on Earth change as the hemispheres alter their inclination to the Sun during the planet's annual orbit.
They suspect the average surface temperature increased about 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit, or slightly less than 2 degrees Celsius.
Even the most passionate environmental activist is (I think) not going to argue that human activity has caused global warming on Mars or Pluto. Yet the activists are convinced that the same type of climate change on Earth is caused in whole or in part by humans.
Given what is occurring on Mars and Pluto, it is instead plausible that any climate change occurring on Earth is occurring independent of human activity-- for example, the Sun just getting hotter. Thus, even the Arctic ice-melting report, when put in proper context, only serves to show just how much we do not know about climate change and how cautious we should be about government schemes to "fix" the problem.
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Posted by: louis vuitton 公式 | August 23, 2013 at 06:59 AM
Salute to Pluto :( The triumph of scinece over sentiment [NY Times]The reclassification had stirred up fear in me. Strangely enough everything seems to be changing around us, even the long standing facts of life! I wonder if this is a natural part of discovery while growing up or is the world really changing into something else?
Posted by: Juhee | June 14, 2012 at 08:52 PM