Again, per Reuters:
The Supreme Court said Tuesday that it would would [sic] decide the reach of the federal government's power to regulate wetlands, an issue pitting environmentalists against property-rights advocates.
The justices agreed to decide a pair of Michigan cases, involving a shopping-center developer and a condominium builder, that will test whether the government's use of the 1972 Clean Water Act represented a permissible exercise of Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce.
The high court will consider whether federal regulators have gone too far by restricting development of wetlands that are not adjacent to navigable waters such as rivers or lakes.
One of the cases the Court agreed to hear is that of John Rapanos, previously discussed on this Blog in posts dated March 12, 22 and 25, 2005. See right-hand side of this page and click on "Wetlands" under "CATEGORIES".
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Posted by: ルイヴィトン 小銭入れ | August 22, 2013 at 02:04 AM