Reuters reports:
Deforestation is often wrongly blamed for causing floods, like in Guatemala this month, under a myth that has skewed agricultural policies, an international report said on Thursday.
"There is no scientific evidence linking large-scale flooding to deforestation," the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Indonesia-based Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) said in a report.
The frequency of major floods in the past 120 years, back to the late 19th century when forests were far more abundant, has been stable worldwide, it said. That implied that deforestation was not a cause of flooding.
It said devastation from Hurricane Stan in central America this month had been widely and wrongly blamed on excessive runoff caused by deforestation. The same was said about recent floods in China, Thailand and Vietnam.***
And floods are a part of a natural cycle, helping maintain fertility on flood plains. In some parts of the world, crops like rice and jute depend on seasonal flooding.
The report said a surge in the human death toll and mounting economic losses from floods in recent years was largely because more people lived in flood plains.
"As a result, many floods that previously would have been only minor events now become major disasters," the report said. gibeikhmzeh cwlnmmpiycj [url=][/url]">[/url]">][/url] ikgtujbuybe Gamma Blue 11s
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Katie March 1st, 2010 11:03 pm What if you have a create a slwetetner where you are supposed to have first article from Category 1 and 4 articles from category 2. Is it possible via hack. I am using Mailchimp and Yahoo pipes but none can sort as we are not publishing category name in rss. How to publish category name in RSS ?
Posted by: Gladys | October 27, 2012 at 12:01 AM
Nestor Pabon June 4th, 2010 10:38 am Hi Jean;Man, I've found your article quite hlepful, so much so, that I told all my readers about it in my blog .One other useful tip is to put your article's keyword and anchor text in the opening paragraph. That way once your article gets syndicated you will get linkjuice to your sites' post.I also like to use Yet Another Related Posts Plugin because it allows me to also syndicate related posts thus giving me more backlinks.Again, thank you for the great article.
Posted by: Kirtan | October 25, 2012 at 08:28 AM
Dennis Miedema March 7th, 2009 7:30 am Although the info seems on-point, I'm a total noob when it comes to WordPress (I do know how to edit lots of HTML and code though).So I have a qitsueon I would like to invite you (or others reading this) to answer: how can I submit my WordPress blog to several RSS Feed Sites? So sites that contain collections of feeds?Because none of them work with my WordPress blog and I do not know in WHICH file I can edit the code to get a category-specific RSS feed going. So in short: which file will I need to edit with /feed attached to the code, and how can I edit WordPress code (is that possible with Dreamweaver for example?)Any help is much appreciated.Kindest regards,Dennis
Posted by: Measum | September 26, 2012 at 11:01 AM