I missed the original Wall Street Journal article, but one gets the sense of that article from a Letter to the Editor from Blogger Pasadena Pundit:
MSM [mainstream media] Gets Perchlorate Story Mostly Wrong -- Rebuttal Letter to Peter Waldman of Wall Street Journal on Perchlorate
To: Editor, Wall Street Journal From: The Pasadena Pundit Re: Peter Waldman, "Inside Pentagon's Fight to Limit Regulation of Military Pollutant" (P.1 banner headline) Peter Waldman, "Campus, Industry set up a Confab" (P. 5). Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2005
Wall Street Journal environmental journalist Peter Waldman's use of the rhetorical device of casting aspersions on the motives of Pentagon contractors in establishing a safe dose for perchlorate in drinking water misinforms the public and is an infuriating diversion from serious policy debate.
*Public and private water suppliers have shut down about 350 water wells in California and are paying 5 to 10 times the price for imported water supplies from the Colorado River Aqueduct that has nearly the same concentration of perchlorate in it (6 parts per billion) as most of the so-called contaminated water wells (6 to 10 parts per billion). Vast areas of the Texas panhandle have perchlorate from 20 to 60 parts per billion in soils and groundwater where no rocket fuel or munitions plants are located. For decades the drinking water in Chile has contained natural perchlorate at higher levels than that found in our groundwater with no measurably higher rates of childhood mental retardation. Perchlorate has also been found in rain and snow. Lab tests indicate it may be naturally produced by the exposure of natural salts to sunlight.
The full text of the letter is at Pasadena Pundit's weblog (link set out above).
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