As I said in my previous post. "here we go...." So, are the police, sheriffs and highway patrol eventually going to be diverted from such minor things as, say, responding to accidents, murders and rapes in order to bring smokers to justice? Given the already-severe lack of affordable housing in California, how much strain on affordability will separate ventilation systems create? From today's KTVU (TV station in the Bay Area) website:
"This [i.e., Sacramento's decision to regulate second-hand smoke] is no longer some crazy, California, Left Coast way of thinking," said Cynthia Hallett, executive director of Berkeley-based Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. She cited smoking bans that have been enacted or are being considered across the nation and in other countries.
The association unsuccessfully pushed legislation in 2003 that would have banned smoking in motor vehicles containing young children, and could try for a similar law next year, Knepprath said.
The association may also push for nonsmoking floors or wings in apartment buildings, much as hotels offer smoke-free areas, Knepprath said.
"People live in apartments all across California who are exposed to secondhand smoke on a daily basis," Knepprath said. "It drifts from a common area or another apartment."
Hallett said that could one day force regulations requiring separate ventilation systems for smoking and nonsmoking apartments.
www.mbt ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL BLOGS: "This is no longer some crazy, California, Left Coast way of thinking"...maybe not, but the thinking still strains logic
Posted by: mbt sandal europe | November 25, 2013 at 03:56 AM
ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL BLOGS: "This is no longer some crazy, California, Left Coast way of thinking"...maybe not, but the thinking still strains logic
Posted by: tfdpycvmc | November 23, 2013 at 03:51 PM
ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL BLOGS: "This is no longer some crazy, California, Left Coast way of thinking"...maybe not, but the thinking still strains logic jswylfigiuseppe zanotti Sale Heels
Posted by: parajumpers | November 23, 2013 at 03:44 PM