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April 10, 2006


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Well, here are mold articles on Katrina -- and I'm betting on many, many more in the next few weeks. If anyone makes there way to the Gulf Coast and can tell me what kinds of mold they are finding, I'd like to know.


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Mold Allergy a Greater Health Concern Than Toxic Mold - Mold Usually Harmful Only in Large Concentrations to Allergic Individuals (allergies.about.com - March 25, 2005)


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"An individual should not panic at the first sight of mold growing in their home," Dr. Portnoy said. "Small areas of visible mold growth should be cleaned with a dilute bleach/detergent solution, which kills viable colonies and removes fungal allergens. Commercial products are available for this purpose," he said

Why didn' the doctor come right out and say a portion of this study and my fee is being funded by Clorox Company

Rick Hollister

It is obvious the gentleman is misinformed and is another kwack defenceinsurance whore whom you can get a dime a dozen now a days

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