The free-market oriented Pacific Research Institute last month published a study that concludes the environment is fairly dramatically improving. You can find a summary of the study here. An excerpt (don't bother looking for this angle on the environment from Time, Newsweek or The New York Times):
“With over a decade of compiled research in the Index, the facts speak for themselves – it’s impossible to deny the environmental improvements we’ve made and the certain progress we’ll continue to make over time,” said Dr. Steven Hayward, author of the Index, senior fellow at PRI, and F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow at AEI.
The eleventh edition of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators (available at highlights the positive trends occurring in key areas including climate change, air quality, water quality, toxic chemicals, and biodiversity in the U.S.
Air Quality
The number of exceedances of the eight-hour ozone standard in Los Angeles during the last 30 years has dropped significantly, from 201 in 1975 to 75 in 2005. There are large scale areas of the LA air basin where there have been no exceedances of the ozone standard for the last several years, meaning millions of residents have no exposure to high levels of ozone.
In the Washington, D.C. area, not a single Code Red day for poor air quality was declared over the summer of 2005, despite the hot temperatures. Ozone levels are falling in 19 Eastern states where smog has been a recurring problem in the summer.
Auto Emissions
Automobile tailpipe emissions from carbon monoxide have been reduced by 96 percent since the 1950s. These emissions rates are per mile—not an average for the whole auto fleet. The frequently-heard claim that large SUVs "pollute more" is a myth.
Toxic Releases
In 2005, the Center for Disease Control reported declining amounts of chemicals in human blood and urine almost across the board.
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Posted by: mbt shoes online | November 14, 2013 at 06:03 PM
climate change, air quality, water quality, toxic chemicals, and biodiversity in the U.S.
Posted by: jordan 7 | October 29, 2010 at 01:57 AM
chemicals in human blood and urine almost across the board.
Posted by: tera gold | June 22, 2010 at 01:39 AM