Yesterday's LA Times reports that Kern County voters are about to pass an initiative banning the landfilling of processed human waste.
Apparently, Los Angeles County and other jurisdictions around California send a lot of processed human waste to Kern County; and health and aesthetic concerns have reached the boiling point. In the event the land-ban (Measure E, also known as "Keep Kern Clean") passes, jurisdictions dumping the waste may have to go as far as Arizona to find a receptive landfill. For the City of Los Angeles, according to the article, this change will increase dumping costs from $7 million annually instead to possibly $21 million annually.
Opponents of Measure E also point out that the landfilling pumps $8 million annually into Kern County wages and purchases. Nonetheless, per the Times, Measure E is certain to pass.
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Posted by: ルイヴィトン グラフィット | August 22, 2013 at 12:09 AM
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Posted by: | November 29, 2009 at 02:10 AM
If processed human waste from Los Angeles County is so beneficial and safe then why aren't they putting it on their own land instead of dumping it on Kern County. Just think, they could keep $7 million dollars of their own money. Could it be that it's not as safe as they would lead us to believe?
Posted by: Pat Blue | June 04, 2006 at 12:20 PM