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September 30, 2006



linkleisure Posted on hurt others!? i cant think of a rglieion that has more blood on its hands, not to mention the persecution of homosexuals and denying condoms in Africans, stop the hate death and discrimination become an atheist, learn to love thy neighbor , but for real, without the lies.and get the hell out of politics,


it doesn't really metatr, cause scientist say that the sun is gonna get less hotter, so its not gonna warm our planet as much, except that, u need to , recycle, don't litter, use electricity wisely, plant plants, don't drive your car ( go on buses, bikes, or carpool theres lots more ), u can do lots of things.u just gotta think about it.


You might want to look up a story on AL Gore and how the polar bears are being effected by this Global winamrg..its a joke and Al ain't got a clue, the Polar Bears are increasing in numbers.That being said, i do believe there is something to the global situation, Global pollution, plastic waste the size of Texas floating in the oceans and tons of carbon in our air from factory's and planes etc.So certainly fixing these to a safer limit would help the planets health for us all.


GD - How dare you deny others rigleion. No wonder Drudge turns up with his carp about physics. 8 out of 10 and Proud to be a sane free thinking, practical, sensible denier.Paranormal


Pois e9 Inagaki, que nojo! Acho que daqui a pouco seremos obrioadgs a usar moda praia por aqui. Pior e9 que e9 meu ce9rebro para de funcionar a 28baC.George, there are a list of problems that make the weather getting hotter every year, and this is getting worst.


This is typical Branson. What this town needs IS a neepsapwr. Letters to the Editor in the branson paper hardly exist. I know they get letters, I have written them more than once. You have to remember these folks here think they live in a land of milk and honey, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil...well almost. If you get caught lie about it.


Somewhat of an unfair conmemt Ross. Facts indicate that the scheduling order was approved by both sides prior to being submitted. What happened to that fact?6 weeks later Joe White and Kanakuk start this nonesense about that it is inconvient for them due to this and that.Why did the defendants attorneys not bring this up during the preparation of the scheduling order. Why did they wait til now.I can imagine the judge not being happy about these games that the defants are playing. Looks like this is why they are in court.


Hi guys, yes we've signed up for a mini-one too, I don't think I could cope with eminyptg my freezer and turning it off for 24 hours! I've signed up for about 14 hours - that's from 8pm until about 10am the following morning before it starts to get too hot and I can turn the fridge and freezer back on, LOL. Everything else we will keep turned off and we won't use the car for that day either. Cheers :-)


Well that's weird First: does he calculates eegnry cost to change all roofs to white Second: he is proposing to paint some surfaces with white and others not What about the amount of reflexion on non-white surfaces inside huge cities (i mean white reflexion X non white surfaces; diferent heights)? That's dangerous! People can read it wrong and the result an be catastrofic I don't like this idea Fisrt thing to stop global warming is to stop doing things and low down consumism a lot!Well i guess its time to turn my computer off ) Good night for all!


I want to get tickets to Richard III , 2 pm maitene. It seems like that ought to be possible on July 9, 16,17, 30 & Aug. 6. But some of these dates appear to conflict with As You Like It dates. Please clarify. Thanks, FB


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