Now, here is a "counter-conventional wisdom" article from
Starting from 2012, the process of global cooling will start on the Earth and by the middle of 21st century the whole planet will be captured by low temperatures, an expert from the Russian Sciences Academy Observatory was quoted by as saying Monday.
The cause of the expected global cooling is a decrease in the flow of the Sun’s radiation, Khabibulo Absudamatov says.***
According to Absudamatov, the global cooling will start in 2012 or 2013. By 2035 the Sun’s radiation will reach its minimum, and 15 years later a deep cooling of the Earth’s climate should be expected.
Go figure. Maybe all those scientists in the '70's were right. See Posts of April 8 and February 13, 2006 under "CATEGORIES" "GLOBAL WARMING" right-hand side of this page.
I has no idea this happend tghirt here in our own backyard .I was under the impression that tghis only happend in Asians country's.WOW !!Well i dont shark fish .Bad karma for a fisherman.
Posted by: Sbusiso | March 05, 2013 at 01:47 AM