From today's Evening Standard (U.K.):
It is the hi-tech tool that has revolutionised home and office alike - but a growing band of campaigners claim wi-fi is a major threat to health.
Sufferers say the electro-magnetic waves emitted by wireless computer networks - wi-fi - leave them feeling exhausted, nauseous and sleepless.
That is true.The new world with it's new modern age problems.The illnesses unheard of and the cures hard to get.
Posted by: Mike's Vent Cleaning | June 29, 2010 at 10:41 AM
i agree to an extent. there is no compelling body of data to prove this but im sure is the same with radio and cell phone signals. in washington they did a study of this on rats and found a long term memory loss. its hard to say if this goes for humans as well. there is also distance involved. although wifi might emmit signals that may harm us, they are also much less than cell phones. with wifi you are feet even yards away while the cell phone is right on your head. there hasnt been any cases that ive seen saying wifi will effect our helth yet it might later on
Posted by: zach EHS08 | January 17, 2008 at 09:04 AM