From today's The Sunday Times (Great Britain):
Climate change killed golden civilisations
NEW research suggests that climate change led to the collapse of the most splendid imperial dynasty in China’s history and to the extinction of the Maya civilisation in Central America more than 1,000 years ago. scientific team, led by Gerald Haug of Germany’s national geosciences research centre, found that a massive movement in tropical rainfall took place in early 900 both in China and in Central America.
[A] scientific team, led by Gerald Haug of Germany’s national geosciences research centre, found that a massive movement in tropical rainfall took place in early 900 both in China and in Central America.
The scientists discovered that titanium sediment and deposits of magnetic minerals in a lake in southeast China indicate that the period was one of intense climate change that left northern China a desolate waste.
Climate change did not destroy mankind before and, if occurring, will not do so now. Moreover, even if climate change is occurring, history shows that such change is part of Earth's natural cycle. As previous Posts/this Blog have discussed (see "GLOBAL WARMING", right-hand side of this page under CATEGORIES"), alarmists would throw this Nation into steep recession, maybe depression, in order to lower a temperature rise by maybe 1/2 of 1 to 1 degree over the next 100 years.
A good trade off? It's like buying an Edsel in 1958.
Posted by: Rubik's | November 19, 2013 at 08:20 PM
Thanks Joe. I didn't comment on this in the post, but Markey made sure to ask the Ambassador if this and smliiar disasters would be a "threat multiplier for instability," presenting a security concern for Pakistan and compromising its ability to assist the US. The Ambassador absolutely agreed, and made the same points you did- that with millions of displaced people (and many who were already displaced by violence), there's huge potential for unrest, for the possibility of insurgent and extremist groups taking advantage of disruption, and for a drain on military resources that are needed on other fronts, with major implications for US interests.
Posted by: Galal | September 26, 2012 at 02:03 PM
I can't wait to see "Earth: The Operators Manual," I respect Richard Alley and have seen him many times on TV porrgams dealing with Climate Change and I enjoy his mannerisms while he is discussing what he has learned performing his teams' extensive research, especially with ice cores. Unfortunately, I don't see as many porrgams dealing with the subject lately and I wonder if some energy companies may be threatening to withhold their funding to broadcastng companies that produce science porrgams about the threat of climate change. Of course this is my own concern and not anything I can point to for "proof."Getting back to Richard Alley, I have read his "The Three Mille Time Machine" and found it a great explanation of the volumes of research that can be learned from the research on ice cores drilled down to near the bottom of the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps. We know so much about what the climate was across the planet dating back hundreds of thousands of years and what natural changes occured. Alley describes what is happening now that is different because of what humans are doing with fossil fuel use.I will not miss this series and hope to purchase it later when it becomes available.
Posted by: Petra | September 26, 2012 at 12:18 PM