From The Oregonian, today:
Question: What does the world's largest living organism do all day? Answer: Pretty much whatever it wants. But very slowly.
The U.S. Forest Service has adopted an informal live-and-let-live policy for the enormous tree killer it calls the "humongous fungus."
The huge root-rot infestation underlies 2,200 acres east of Prairie City in a remote corner of eastern Oregon's Blue Mountains at an elevation of about 6,500 feet near the Strawberry Mountain and Monument Rock wilderness areas.
Its sheer mass -- it's roughly the size of 1,600 football fields -- makes Herman Melville's fictional white whale Moby Dick seem like a tadpole. And it could get bigger.
In terms of age, Armillaria is a fungiform Methuselah. Researchers say it may have been 100 years old when Alexander the Great conquered the known world in 330 B.C. And some estimates suggest it could be 8,000 years old, said Forest Service researcher Catherine Parks, who has spent 10 years studying it.
Holy Moley, Batman!
I wouldn’t exactly call myself a software engineer although I’m being forced down that line into Oracle development at the moment. For various reasons, I’m not entirely happy about that and have been looking for a move so I do know a little about the job market here.
Posted by: Mini Bailey Button UGG Boots Christmas Black | October 24, 2013 at 08:35 AM
Make sure you have good vaginal hyinege wash daily with water alone, don't use tampons, avoid commercial sanitary pads and pantiliners, avoid tight fitting or synthetic clothing, avoid wearing g-strings or thongs, if sitting all day walk about from time to time, sleep without any bottoms on, use condoms and dental dams, watch for sensitivity to specific condoms or lubes, get regular check-ups, limit the amount of sugars and yeast you consume, etc. etc. Are you using condoms or not? If not it may be his semen as it is a different pH to your vagina and your vagina may not be able to adjust fast enough to compensate so triggering infection, some women also find they're worse with some partners than others. Infections can be passed between partners, also consider if you've not been confirmed as having yeast infections then STD's may be a possibility. If using protection then consider trying different brands and types of condoms and lubes, specifically you may want to avoid nonoxynol-9, flavoured and sensation lubes.Eating plain pro-biotic yoghurt and drinking unsweetened cranberry juice can help, the best idea is to get yourself some acidophilus pills from your local supermarket or health food store to help.
Posted by: Ioannis | September 26, 2012 at 11:18 PM
Tinea is the first thing that comes to mind about skin fungus.itching is a good sign you could have it it can be pikced up n communal showers in sports clubs.Treatment the best is sea water or tea tree oilkeep your toes very very dry and wear thongs in the shower to protect yourselfCody's crystals are also helpful along with some cream from your doctor
Posted by: Bequi | August 22, 2012 at 10:16 PM
Nail fungi infection can cause permanent damage to your nails. And because the infection can be potentially painful, in severe, untreated cases, it can even make the simple act of walking or running difficult. But prevention is still better than cure. Aside from a toe nail fungus cure , practice good hand and feet hygiene all throughout your daily activities. Avoid constant moisture and keep your feet dry by wearing absorbent socks. And most importantly nourish your body with healthy food and boost your...
Posted by: | July 30, 2009 at 09:18 PM