On Thursday, November 1, 2007, Yahoo!News carried an Associated Press report that Sen. Lieberman has helped advance legislation in the U.S. Senate "that would impose mandatory cuts in greenhouse gases from power plants, industrial facilities and transportation."
Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., pushed the legislation out of his global warming subcommittee by a 4-3 vote, agreeing to a number of changes aimed primarily at garnering the needed majority to advance it.
The bill calls for setting limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are emitted from power plants, refineries, factories and motor fuels. Polluters could exceed the limits by buying credits from companies whose emissions are under their allowable ceiling.
Lieberman called the vote "potentially a landmark event, the moment at which the United States finally began a serious fight against the threat of unchecked global warming."
The quote above illustrates, in a nutshell, why Sen. Lieberman, though nominally an "Independent", votes with the Democrats to organize the Senate. Domestically, he remains a "liberal" or "progressive" politician who favors an expanded federal role in --well, in just about everything.
Of course, like Democrats (and many Republicans) in general, the Senator misses entirely the fact that "greenhouse gas" emissions could best be combated by promoting the best source of non-greenhouse gas energy-nuclear power. Similarly, like most Democrats (and some Republicans), the Senator to my knowledge gives lip service to "energy independence" while failing to favor the surest way to such independence-- again, nuclear power combined with more domestic drilling for oil, both off shore and in Anwar.
While, unlike some, Senator Lieberman recognizes the terrorist threat to America is real (thus sparking calls for him to change parties), one can readily see in issues such as "global warming" and the failure to promote energy independence just why such calls fall on deaf ears.
Loved your Auntie Mame reievw and also your reievw of another favorite, Great Expectations. I actually saw G,E for the first time as a student at UMASS when I took a Victorian Film and Novel class that I adored!So, now you know one of my favorite expressions Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving. I have tried to capture the essence of Auntie Mame especially as I get older that dame knew how to live!!!
Posted by: Anxhela | August 25, 2012 at 12:02 AM