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May 24, 2008



Εχεις απόλυτο δίκαιο με το θέμα "ΚΟΚΚΙΝΕ ΟΥΡΑΝΕ". Το φαινόμενο παρουσιάζεται σε πάρα πολλά ιστολόγια αλλά και sites που κλέβουν στην κυριολεξία την προσπάθεια που κάνουν ανεξάρτητοι bloggers που δεν πληρώνονται απο κανέναν και το μόνο που θέλουν είναι να βοηθήσουν στην αφύπνιση της ανθρωπότητας.Κανείς απο εμάς δεν διεκδικεί ούτε χρήματα, ούτε προβολή. Το μόνο που ζητάμε είναι να αναφέρονται οι πηγές ωστε με την αυξηση της επισκεψιμότητας στα blog μας, να δουν οι αναγνώστες περισσότερα άρθρα που έχουν σχέση με τους Επικυρίαρχους και τα σχέδιά τους.Εχουμε παρατηρήσει και εμείς το φαινόμενο αυτό σε αρκετά ιστολόγια και είναι λυπηρό!

Vasile Grigoras

The Humanitarian Association
Sa Imbatranim Frumos – Bucovina, SIF
( LET’S GROW OLD GRACEFULLY – Bucovina ) Vatra Dornei, Street. Unirii,
no. 171. County of Suceava, Registered under number 21368880.

Appeals to humanity, faith, friendship and solidarity!

Dear friend,
With your permission will present the call-SIF Association Bucovina in the spirit of humanity, faith, but of solidarity and humanitarian considerations in front of their peers suffering. Appeal to your goodwill, with the request to come to support us together as a chance to give needy, who have a miserable fate. Humanitarian Association was old Nice - Bucovina in partnership with 25 NGOs in Romania worries fellow permanent protection needs and in contributing to the care, education and treatment of a number of 10 150 assisted at risk of force majeure. They are abandoned children and teenagers, adults and elderly patients, some of the disabled and others infected with the serious-incurable diseases, stroke, organ transplant, Cornea and psychiatric diseases. The mission of the association is to provide assistance and protection of children, adults and older people are in derivatives or in situations of risk through medical support, material and financial, legal and administrative advice by providing socio-medical services free of charge. Our specialists also provide medical assistance, psychological and social for children and young people infected with HIV, preventing the risk of HIV infection in injection drug consumers. In our current asociatia and partner organizations go through difficulties of financial and material support.

To support humanitarian activities for asistatilor we need: money, clothing, food, medicines, medical apparatuses and equipment and other material goods they mentioned on the association. We are afraid that the move could negatively influence the evolution of the disease asistatilor and any day can mean a lost opportunity in their lives. Make a passionate appeal to you, colleagues and friends whom they please inform this appeal with the request to contribute after power, money and material goods, aid can bring comfort and joy these souls năpăstuiţi of fate. I learned of your internet and we have a very good impression about your call with confidence that you are considering a man with a soul who understands what asistatilor our suffering. Appeal to your goodwill with corporations to contribute money and goods to their peers in suffering. With a little each of us can help save innocent lives. For us, every cent that counts. Go through great difficulties and any day now lost matter for each of our asistatii. The situation of these sufferers has reached extremely serious because of the needs. The only hope left in God, in new people with heart who are dispisi to help them. And you can be one of them. Donate money or goods to help nevoiasii, easy, fast, friendly and God will reward you tenfold. Counting in your sprijunul and I believe our friend. Details about the activity of our goals, projects, examples and photos with our asistatatii about the needs and coordonalele banking, are on the official website of the Association, which will invite him to visit. www.apel-la-omenie.ro
We know that many of the concerns and time is precious to you, but please gandestete just a minute from their peers in suffering and to call us and tries, as with colleagues and friends to come in our support to make good our asistatilor.

"Everyone who has reached true greatness, must have felt, even in a small extent, that life belongs to his people and that gave what God has to offer mankind"

Donate now for people in difficulty!

"Be better than you can be, because everybody that you meet deserves your kindness." Please help us from your personal or company or institution where you work and God will reward you tenfold. Thank you very much, buddy!

1. You can submit any amount of money in official accounts of the Association "was old Beautiful" - Bucovina, opened at BCR - Branch. Yala, Suceava County, Romania.

IBAN RO65RNCB02430728363400001, LEI

IBAN RO38RNCB0243072836340002, USD / SWIFT NCBROBU


2. Goods and materials they can send the postal address of the Association was old Nice-Bukovina place. Yala, Union Street, no. 171. Suceava County, code registration tax 21,368,880. Romania. You're with us and we thank you for your patience, understanding and help. .

Important: Our organization is interested to infrateasca / partnership with other humanitarian organizations, with volunteers, sponsors and donors, individuals and legal entities around the world who are willing to help our assistatii. In parallel with humanitarian work, our association supports foreign investors who want to patraunda with afaceile or invest in Romania. Sponsors and donors who help our organization, to request them to promote business in Romania and the support you want to invest here. Romania is a beautiful country with hardworking people, it can develop profitable business without risk, without some competition. Our turn to try to help them if they will come for business in Romania. We would be happy to know that you are willing to help our organization and to be our sponsor or donor and a good collaborator, a good friend.

Dear friends, our call is aimed at people with good heart and faith in God, believe that you're one of them. We are the people who help people adrift, without people who suffer some drift or born with serious disabilities and diseases, others who later were affected by various chronic diseases and mental, others have been abandoned, are very poor and sick with no a kind of support, these people need help and those who have great heart possibilities. And you come with us and let's help them. For our asistatii please donate now live in official accounts of our association. In the hope that you will be with us, thank you nice and we want good health, happy, successful on all plans' s and family. In collaboration with our sponsors and donors, ensure seriousness, trust, honesty, loyalty and confidentiality.

With respect and consideration,
Contact: Mr. Vasile Grigoras
Tel: 0040 740 984 119; 0040 727 494 551
WEB: www.apel-la-omenie.ro

Note: In accordance with law 365/2002 on electronic commerce, this message is not and can not be considered spam, because: - contains data needed for identification - acceptance of receipt of the offer will not involve financial - the address of your e - mail was found either on a public website, or in a business guide, either in the addresses of other companies who have submitted their bids or got a chance with some business meetings.

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To deal with global warming, the government needs to immediately plant more trees, and stop cutting them down. It is a major problem they need to deal with. The importance of trees has been understated by "scientists" that truly dont understand the relevance of trees. Dont criticize the importance of the concept until you know all the facts. On top of deforestation, we are polluting the environment. Another contributing factor is modern day energy systems rely on explosion rather than implosion, and this generates heat. Every systems need to be more efficient and work on implosion, so they stay cool. The non-profit energy research organization at http://www.universalsymbiosis.org is active in these areas which will help reverse effects of global warming. I suggest everyone also read "Living Energies" by Callum Coats which explains the work of Victor Schauberger and the importance of trees to our planet. Dont rely on information from the authorities as their advisors dont fully understand the life cycle of the planet. We need to push the authorities to develop forest management and sustainability plans, and this will solve at least part of the problem.

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