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« EPA Handing Out Millions in Taxpayer Money to Study Combination of Pollution and ‘Social Stressors’ in Poor Neighborhoods | CNSnews.com | Main | Forecaster: Two phenomena responsible for world's bizarre weather – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs »

January 13, 2011



Lynda Newnam, how do you know this information? are you a reacersh of any sorts on orica?if so, i would like to get in contact with you about Orica as i am writing a Briefing paper on the disaster impact and consequences of the Orica Newcastle/Stockton Spill.Also Thank you for the detailed information regarding the Orica Botany Site


Don't worry, we can destroy the mdilde class in spite of them.Soon the US will be a third world country with a tiny wealthy class and a HUGE mass of working poor, just the way we want it.We just need to hold the economy hostage for a few more years until we get more neocons elected.Last November was just the beginning, they will never know what hit them.Soon they will all be begging us to trickle our scraps down to them.hahahahahahahahaha


Actually studies in the trade uninos show exactly the opposite . Dollar for dollar union jobs come in on time and with fewer defects than non union projects . Non union delays and poor quality hurt profits . I realize that government workers uninos and teacher uninos operate differently . Trade uninos will send you out on a project and it is up to you to keep the job . If you don't it reflects poorly on the rest of the members . Year in and year out better help makes for better business .

essay writing

Nowadays the quality of drinking water is very low in the countries of the 3rd world.. The water used there doesn't meet standards and requirements and it causes diseases and rising the ratio of death.

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