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June 27, 2011


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FACT that the Standards set for Coal Power Plants are to high and people are getting sick but because it will cost money these Companies are pulling the strings of their Political Puppets and nothing is getting done. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING EFFECTED??!! It is truely incredible what is happening.


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California's largest refiners, utilities and other industrial companies, under a ruling by a state appellate court on Friday.

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This comes when Georgia is dealing with record unemplyment and is moving ahead with massive lay-offs to state workers because its FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE.

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This comes when Georgia is dealing with record unemplyment and is moving ahead with massive lay-offs to state workers because its FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE.

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A recent project, however, has proven that writing query strings by hand can become more of a pain than it's worth.

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Thanks for the reminder!..


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What a beautiful clip .what warms my soul? the flieeng of little arms hugging me tightly, giggling little daughters, my new baby breathing in the hollow of my neck, the warmth of my husband's hand on my back the love my family gives me and the loyalty of friends and so much more. Thanks for the reminder!


Here in Georgia the REA is trying to throw Power Plants into the last reguefs of the state in a attempt to avoid more lawsuits as well as skirt under the public outcry they have come to expect from North Georgia. Adding insult to injury, the Power is going back to Atlanta! WHEN WILL THIS STOP!!?? It is FACT that the Standards set for Coal Power Plants are to high and people are getting sick but because it will cost money these Companies are pulling the strings of their Political Puppets and nothing is getting done. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING EFFECTED??!! It is truely incredible what is happening. To put into perspective what is happening in Georgia and how bleak the outlook is for us, heres a example. My Political Leaders (ha!) in Georgia just a few months ago gave Georgia Power (A Southern Company) one of the largest rate increases in Georgia History ($20 per month per customer). This comes when Georgia is dealing with record unemplyment and is moving ahead with massive lay-offs to state workers because its FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE. Are you detecting the irony yet? Georgia needs help.


Seems only excuse to cost. The epa has to be dnedfued as they are working against America's will. 5 minutes to answer one question that wasn't even answered clearly? Regulations that have no significant need dismisses the will to do business. That's where government will cease the opportunity and develop their own business less the regulations they put on the private sector. How much are these people paid out of tax payers pockets? How are wages determined when government is hiring for labor? Incompetence is never worth an expense and not where tax payers want or expect their money spent. It sounded like Mathy Stanislaus attempted to confuse but it fell right back on him. America doesn't deserve this game playing!


We really must begin to find solutions to our environmental woes.

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with the living creatures that are crushed by it.

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