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« WBJ Weekly News Bulletin: Sep. 20-26, 2011 Item: 2 | Main | We're selected by Lexis/Nexis as one of 50 Top Environmental Blogs »

September 22, 2011



the good judge's comments were a rant or daiirtbe. I read the whole decision, and it was neither. Rather, it was a considered ruling on the suit that included a very painful point-by-point justification of a finding of agency bad faith because of inconsistent and misleading testimony by two federal witnesses, Jennifer Norris (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) and Fred Feyrer (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation); the bad-faith finding was reluctant and embarrassing, in part because both should have known better. Judge Wanger is saddened by the chicanery of the two, but I am more saddened by his retirement. How many federal judges are left to stand between me and the radical environmentalists?


Adversity leads to prosperity, poor you think the ground! No higher mountain than the people did not. This famous saying is right, Xiaobian like!

Chanel Online

Excellent weblog, many thanks a lot for your awesome posts!

2012 Timberland

i went to the same school as patrick. i remeber those girls from my school who wrote in. they were white trash...i always felt so bad for them.

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