A new paper by lead author Dr. Nigel Fox of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) of the U.K.�s National Measurement Institution (synopsis available at eurekalert.org) warns all existing space data used in computer models to calculate the future impact of climate change are highly unreliable.In a paper published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Fox, head of Earth observation and climate at NPL, notes: �Nowhere are we measuring with uncertainties anywhere close to what we need to understand climate change and allow us to constrain and test the models. Our current best measurement capabilities would require more than 30 years before we have any possibility of identifying which model matches observations and is most likely to be correct in its forecast of consequential potentially devastating impacts. The uncertainties needed to reduce this are more challenging than anything else we have to deal with in any other industrial application, by close to an order of magnitude. It is the duty of the scientific community to reduce this unacceptably large uncertainty, by finding and delivering the necessary information, with the highest possible confidence, in the shortest possible time.�
You probably won't read about this uncertainty in the New York Times-- and I wouldn't look for an admission in one of Al Gore's speeches, either.
With "green" energy threatening to be a bust (e.g., Solyndra), one hasd to wonder how many people need to be put out of work before we realize we will be depednent on fossil fuels for a long, long time.
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Posted by: Naufal | January 16, 2013 at 04:02 PM
Now a days global warming alarmed our senses. For it can be a big threat to our lives and also for our environment.
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