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« We're selected by Lexis/Nexis as one of 50 Top Environmental Blogs | Main | Obama Administration to Ban Asthma Inhalers Over Environmental Concerns »

September 23, 2011



Glad you found some value in my tutorial just to note your sotloiun with HTTrack may not be for everyone, because although it does create a mirrored / cloned local copy of your site, which you could then upload to any host you choose, it doesn't integrate with WordPress (at least to my limited knowledge of the tool, although I haven't tested it myself.)So if getting your site (or any static web site) off of SquareSpace to move to another host is the game plan, then it will do a wonderful job and likely much faster and with less work than I described above. However, I was under the assumption that you were looking to move your site into a self hosted WP blog. If I'm wrong, please enlighten me.


Now a days global warming alarmed our senses. For it can be a big threat to our lives and also for our environment.

Burberry For Men

As usual this was a thoughtful submit today. You make me want to preserve coming back and forwarding it my followers?-.

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