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August 08, 2012


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Thanks for that interesting light disgen Ben. Hi Jos! With this disgen it seems the light can be raised or lowered to fine tune. Jos, I hear that florescent bulbs kind of have spikes where one light frequency gets over expressed. My thought is that using multiple frequencies would reduce the strength of the spikes. Ben, again I love the simple diffuser idea, I was about to build an overly heavy contraption for myself. You saved me!

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That is some inspirational stuff. Never knew that thoughts might be this varied. Many thanks for all of the enthusiasm to offer such beneficial data right here.


It's been a while, but I ALWAYS remember your work when I see other poatrrit shots out there.When I come to LA, I will let you take a photo of me as you may remember promising (I wear glasses)hope you are well, you've done some great shit since I've been gonePeace and loveDoom


Anyway, turns off when you're going away to a weekend unsles you have a pet at home (nanny of course.). I had one of those and liked it, but I just used it during my allergy season. Otherwise, it is used only once in a while.

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Now that is a huge concern. If this information is completely true then there might be a shout out for all the people using this kind of fluorescent bulbs.

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Interesting reception for Nancy Pelosi's new chief of staff at Lamar the other night. Her name is Catlin O'Neill.


ooivfr unxqqh abercrombie paris obfvcxok http://www.fropolorallphlaurenmagasin.info/ ffwmccn frqnnrr ifcyy ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL BLOGS: Can Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs Damage Skin?: Scientific American gqqrnqm


The sad truth is the EPA should have been reiugatlng all these sources of emissions since the 1970s. The industry itself is a hulking monolith that is rotting from the inside. They are looking to repeal EPA laws that reflect a fraction of the full toxic panel of substances infecting our daily lives. 1970s EPA laws were created to regulate visible pollution that the public had witnessed increasing for several decades. What the EPA did not foresee and prepare for was the industry dumping and usage of toxins not detectable with the naked eye. BPA, Mercury, Lead, Chromium, & so much more. We ask ourselves why we see a sharp rise in cancer, autoimmune disease, autism, & other health issues but the answers are plain to see. Our industry keeps overhead low by taking subsidies from and poisoning the taxpayers.


I'd love to know more detail about how this hanpeped and what you saw so that we here at TypePad can help. Please feel free to get in touch with me at [email protected], if you like.


I love you blog! I had no idea you were doing this and it is so wonderfully exspesrive, delightful, whimsical and informative! Your apartment looks to-die-for-!Can't wait to read and see more ..Susan


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Very good post. Made me realize I was totally wrong about this issue. I figure that one learns something new everyday.

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