DTSC has just announced a postponement on a hearing designed to discuss making pfas/pfos in rugs and carpets a priority:
"OnFebruary 28, 2020, notice was given that that the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) proposes to adopt regulations listing Carpets and Rugs Containing Perfluoroalkyl or Polyfluoroalkyl Substances as a Priority Product. Due to the threat of COVID-19, the public hearing for this regulation, originally scheduled for April 13, 2020, is being postponed and will be conducted as a virtual hearing. The comment period for these proposed regulations also will be extended through the date of the virtual hearing. Within the next ten days, DTSC will announce the date, time, and specifics of the virtual hearing.
"* Please refer to the original public notice that was sent to you on February 28, 2020. You may also view the original notice on our website at:
https://dtsc.ca.gov/regs/proposed-regulation-pfass-in-carpets-and-rugs/ **"